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At Hallam Fields we want to give children the knowledge and understanding of many different religions so that they can compare religions and be tolerate, respectful and understanding of others.โ€ฏWe plan our curriculum to encompass the aims and programmes of study in the Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus for Key Stage 2 and to be progressive so that the children develop their skills, knowledge and understanding throughout the four years with us.  


You will find below links to our overview of RE, our Key concepts and we will be adding some examples of work. 



RE at Hallam Fields explores the important role that religious and non-religious world views play in all human life. Children learn about the beliefs and practices of different religions and are encouraged to respect the religious and cultural differences of others. As they progress through the school, they explore and consider many different answers to questions about meaning and purpose in life, beliefs about God, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human. We aim to prepare our children for life in a diverse world and allow them the opportunity to reflect on their own beliefs and values. โ€‹




RE is taught weekly for thirty minutes. We follow the agreed syllabus for Derbyshire and Derby City. We often invite visitors into school to talk about their religion and we try to use religious artefacts and interactive visits to places of worship to enrich the experiences we give our children. The principal aim of our planning is to engage children in enquiring into significant human questions, which religion and worldviews address. They develop the understanding and skills needed to appreciate responses to these questions, as well as reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living.โ€ฏ โ€‹




Teachers use the emerging, expected and exceeding outcomes to assess what individuals know and can do. The learning outcomes are underpinned by the three aims of RE: knowing and understanding, expressing and communicating and gaining and deploying skills. Teachers use evidence from class work and class discussions to make their judgements at the end of each unit. Any child who is unable to write what they understand may be asked to present their knowledge in a different way, for example by drawing. or speaking about their ideas.โ€ฏ

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