Maths at Hallam Fields Junior School
Why is maths important at Hallam Fields Junior School?
Maths is a popular subject at Hallam Fields Junior School! We want our pupils to experience success and to develop life-long enjoyment and curiosity of the subject. Each year our Maths Ambassadors, along with our ‘Mathscot’ Tiny, work alongside the Maths lead to encourage, motivate and reward the children at Hallam Fields for their hard work in Maths! Each week we award Marvellous Maths certificates and times tables awards for hard work, perseverance, resilience, presentation and achievement – any excuse to celebrate Maths! Maths is an essential skill for life and we want our children at Hallam Fields to develop their reasoning, flexible thinking and problem-solving skills that will equip them for life.
You will find below links to our overview of Maths, our Key concepts and we will be adding some examples of work.

How do we teach maths at Hallam Fields Junior School?
We have an ambitious mathematics curriculum aligned to the National Curriculum. We have adopted the White Rose scheme as a planning tool. This is a blocked scheme which allows for depth and breadth of learning within each strand of maths. Staff use additional resources to supplement teaching and learning so children are supported at every stage of their learning journey. Learning is supported through the use of concrete manipulatives (objects) and pictorial representations (pictures), before moving to abstract symbols (numbers and signs) to support the children’s mathematical thinking.
Children are taught Maths daily in all year groups. Maths lessons start with fluency activities which aim to recap previous learning or to consolidate the learning of key number facts, such as Flash Back 4s. We use a mastery approach at Hallam Fields Junior School, embracing the idea that everyone can do well at maths! Our ‘Wave Teaching’ enables all learners to get the teaching they need in the lesson to develop their confidence, use mathematical vocabulary accurately and think deeply about their maths.

In addition to maths lessons, we teach Mastering Number at KS2 to our year 4 and 5 classes daily to develop fluency in multiplication and division facts and a confidence and flexibility with number that exemplifies good number sense. With each success the children experience comes the resilience to make mistakes and the willingness to have a go! We work hard to raise the self-esteem of our children, we are all Marvellous Mathematicians at Hallam Fields!

We are Times Table Rockstars!
Learning times tables is a fundamental skill for mastering maths. We use Times Tables Rockstars(TTRS) in school to develop the children’s fluency and recall in multiplication and division. Children take part in Rock Battles between classes, year groups and even staff Vs children! We always take part in National tournaments on TTRS like England Rocks and NSPCC Rocks, competing against other schools and children are awarded certificates in assembly for taking part in these. We ask children to do weekly sessions which are completed in school and at home too, as little and often is the key to fluency.
Maths Ambassadors
We have maths ambassadors in every class who meet fortnightly with the maths lead.
They are responsible for: supporting their peers in class, sharing developments with their
classes, running competitions, feeding back on classroom practice, giving out certificates
in assembly and very importantly… looking after our ‘MATHS’cot Tiny! Tiny regularly
visits classrooms and has scrapbooks to share of his adventures. See the photos section
for some of Tiny’s antics!

Useful resources
Useful Websites
Please find below a list of useful websites below to support your child with their learning: