At Hallam Fields we want children to develop their knowledge and understanding of the world around them as well as skills to carry out practical experiments. We plan our curriculum to encompass the aims and programmes of study in the National Curriculum for Key Stage 2 and to be progressive so that the children develop their skills, knowledge and understanding throughout the four years with us. For each subject we have identified Key Concepts which we will revisit throughout the children's time at Hallam Fields so that we can develop their understanding of how key concepts link between different topics and units of work, helping them to apply their learning and remember more.
You will find below links to our overview of Science, our Key concepts and we will be adding some examples of work.
In science, we aim to nurture curious minds by providing children with the opportunity to explore and grow through a blend of: knowledge based learning, and skills based learning. We intend to provide children with opportunities to develop their working scientifically skills through engagement with a multitude of practical tasks, which incorporate the 5 types of scientific enquiry: observing over time; comparative and fair testing; pattern and relationship seeking; identifying and classifying; researching using secondary sources. Our science curriculum encompasses the aims of the national curriculum programme of study, ensuring it is progressive to develop each individuals knowledge, skills and understanding throughout their four years with us. The learning within each year group builds upon learning from previous years to systematically develop knowledge and skills suitably. We aim for our children to leave Hallam Fields Junior School feeling excited, enthusiastic and elevated by science as we believe this subject is a platform to build a healthy, happy and wholesome appreciation of the world and the impact we can have.
We use TigTag world UK, Explorify, BBC bitesize, BBC teach, and STEM learning to provide a well-rounded curriculum that meets the needs of our learners and the aims of the National Curriculum Science Programme of Study. The scheme, resource collection and documents were selected as they provide teachers with the content and foundations to deliver lessons which are both knowledge and skill rich. Our children are supported to thrive by the implementation of a long term plan which enables a systematic progression of the knowledge, skills and understanding required to meet our aims.
In science, we will assess against the ‘Weaving Knowledge, Skills and Understanding into the new National Curriculum’ framework as well as monitoring the processes children undertake when they encounter science learning, and their attitude and confidence in this core subject. We will support all children to progress at their individual optimal rate by: setting clear targets; keeping centrally stored assessment records, and building on prior learning. This will allow us to monitor individual progress; pass on information to future teachers for tailored provision, and fill in any gaps in learning or use existing understanding to support new content. Our learners will confidently ask questions, formulate hypotheses, and they will show a passion, curiosity and interest towards discovering more about our world and the their role in it.