Dear Parent / Guardian,
Thank you for your interest in Hallam Fields Junior School.
At Hallam Fields we have a very caring and supportive ethos, where both the staff and children are extremely proud of our school. Visitors regularly comment on the high standards we have, and how polite and well mannered the children are. Children take an active part in the running of the school, they know that their voice is important through; school council, eco council, suggestion boxes, and through jobs they carry out in school.
We pride ourselves on a friendly welcome and are committed to working in partnership with parents. We believe that children learn best when home and school work together for their benefit.
We hope our school website will give you an insight into the life of our school, and the information will be of value to you in understanding more of the aims and organisation of the school.
Lastly if you would like to see more please contact school to arrange a visit, we are always happy to show people around.
Yours sincerely,
David Brown