What to do if you are concerned about a child's safety....
At Hallam Fields we take your child's safety very seriously and there are systems in place to protect all children. If we have a concern we will raise this with you as well as using the local authority for advice and support. Concerns are always passed to the school's Designated Safeguarding Officer - David Brown (Headteacher), in his absence Sarah Carr (Deputy Headteacher) and Elly Essex (Welfare and Attendance Officer) are also trained as Safeguarding Leads. All staff and volunteers are expected to follow the school procedures and have all had a DBS check carried out to ensure they are suitable to work with children. We have a lot of different policies in place which can be found in the parents section of our website. If you are concerned about your own child please speak to a member of staff or contact the local Multi Agency Team who may be able to offer you support and advice. They can be contacted on 01629 531949.
If you are concerned about the welfare of a child either because you think they are being neglected or are at immediate risk of danger you should use the 'Call Derbyshire' telephone number to report your concerns. The telephone number is 0845 6058058 01629 533190
If you have concerns about your child, or another child relating to extremism and radicalisation, you can receive support and advice from your local police by telephoning 101. They will treat the matter with total confidence and will do all they can to help to prevent your child turning to behaviour that breaks the law.
Click here to download an information leaflet about Extremism and Radicalisation
Early Help - Support and Advice Services
Lots of people need help and advice at some point for themselves or their children. We are always happy to help where we can or to try and help you find the right agency to support you. Below are a list of some contact details which may be of interest to you or someone you know. If there is not a link to something you may want support with please speak to Mr Brown or Mrs Essex who will try to help you with other agencies and organisations which may be available.
Click to download a copy of our Early Help Offer. You can email us: earlyhelp@hallamfields.derbyshire.sch.uk
If you believe that any child is in danger ring Call Derbyshire tel: 01629 533190 choosing the option for urgent child protection or contact the police.
Private Fostering
If a child aged under 16 years (or under 18 years if they are disabled) stays with people who are not related to them for 28 days or more, this is known as a private fostering arrangement and special rules apply. Click here for more details
Further information is available on Derbyshire County Council's Website - click to follow the link
Click above to find out how to keep your child safe online
Safeguarding Assemblies
At Hallam Fields we teach children about keeping themselves safe as part of our curriculum.
During 2021-2022 we are covering the following aspects during assemblies which allow time for discussing key areas within classes.