A Forest School encourages children to:
develop personal and social skills
work through practical problems and challenges
use tools to create, build or manage
discover how they learn best
pursue knowledge that interests them
learn how to manage failures
build confidence in decision making and evaluating risk
develop practical skills
understand the benefits of a balanced and healthy lifestyle
explore connections between humans, wildlife and the earth
regularly experience achievement and success
reflect on learning and experiences
develop their language and communication skills
improve physical motor skills
become more motivated
improve their concentration skills
Forest School Code of Conduct
Children are always made aware of how far they can explore before a session begins. If children explore hidden areas, an adult should also go into the cover, deep enough to be able to see the children. If you do lose sight of them, shout ‘1, 2, 3, where are you?’ The child should reply ‘1, 2, 3 I’m here’. This has been introduced to them through a game and practised many times.
Picking up and playing with stones
Making patterns with pretty stones and even ‘gentle’ throwing are fine but make sure children are thinking of others and don’t throw them with force at ANYTHING!
Picking up and playing with sticks
Children can carry sticks shorter than their arm’s length but make sure they think about how close they are to other children. Longer sticks can be dragged or carried with a child at both ends. Sticks must not be thrown, nor should children be allowed to pull them from living trees.
Rope and string use
Encourage connecting and transporting materials. Prevent tying up other children or themselves! If a child has a good idea and wants, for example, to try to build a rope swing do help them and use the chance to model appropriate knot tying.
Carrying & transporting materials
The children should be encouraged to roll, lift, drag and pull materials, either by hand or using ropes. The safe way to lift, by bending your knees and keeping a straight back should be modelled by all adults. Heavier objects can be rolled, dragged or carried by more people.
Children love digging and this is fine in the designated area in our school grounds. Show children how to look carefully for insects and their habitats using lolly sticks and fingers. Children are also allowed to play with mud (bagged topsoil) to create sculptures.
Children are always invited to use the toilets before we leave the School. If necessary, boys may ‘go’ behind bushes beyond boundaries with an adult supervising. Girls may too if they are comfortable doing so. School toilets are close enough for children to return to school to use them.
Eating and drinking
Prevent children eating anything found in woods, such as berries or seeds. Keep reminding them about fingers and hands in mouths and noses. If we take drinks or snacks outside ensure children use wipes to clean their hands before eating their snack or drinking from a cup.
Around the log circle
If we are able to build one we will always behave as we would if we were able to light a fire. So we build a fire square – a small shape of logs with the ‘fire’ within, then a similar shape of seating logs 1.5 metres from the ‘fire’. There must be no running within 5 metres of the fire area (marked by flour), and anything being carried must be placed on the ground behind the seating. We then step over the logs to sit down. We will always practise this as if a real fire were being lit – one day we may be able to do it for real.
Collecting wood
Wood should be collected in three thicknesses – matchstick size, pencil size and thumb thickness. This is a great sorting activity and children should be given a chance to do it even if a fire is not to be lit!
Lighting a fire
The FS leader will take control of the operation and all accompanying adults will be briefed before we start.
A lit fire will not be left unattended at any point. A fire may not be lit until it has been confirmed to all that our fire safety equipment is in place. Open fires will be built within a fire square. (Fire risk assessments)
Using Tools
All tools have their own clear code of conduct for correct use which will include consideration of specific personal protective equipment, correct use of a specific body posture, and consideration of the appropriate types of activity that each tool may be used for. (See tool use guides and risk assessments).
Leaving the site
The site at Hallam Fields must always be left as it was found. If artefacts are made using ‘found’ materials these may be taken off site. Shelters should normally be demolished and imported materials taken back to school at the end of each session. Occasionally some large items may be left tidily for the next group.
Suggested Activities for Forest Schools
Activities for Forest Schools are diverse and numerous but it should be reminded that we are trying to create independent learners who are inspired to try out their own ideas, explore their own interests and to attempt new ideas.
Some activities might include:
Shelter building
Fire lighting
Tool use
Studying wildlife
Playing team and group games
Sensory activities
Tracking games
Cooking on an open fire
Using a Kelly Kettle
Rope and string work
Art and sculpture work
Woodland and traditional craft
Developing stories and drama, and meeting imaginary characters
Physical movement activities