Welcome to Hallam Fields Junior School’s Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) webpage. Here you will find our PSHE (including RSE) policy, the Department for Education’s statutory guidance and our PSHE/RSE medium term plans. These plans include an overview of what is taught and when. There are also leaflets to support children’s understanding of puberty and links to websites and books which parents are welcome to use to support discussions of growing up.
If you have any questions about the content of our PSHE curriculum, the resources we use or need any support, please contact Mrs Riley, who is our subject lead, through the school office. Alternatively, you can speak to either Mr Brown or Mrs Carr on the school gate and your message will be passed onto Mrs Riley who will contact you as soon as possible.
You will find below links to our overview of PSHE, our Key concepts and we will be adding some examples of work.
At Hallam Fields we want to give children opportunities and experiences to develop their understanding and knowledge in PSHE. We plan our curriculum to encompass the aims of government guidance for Key Stage 2 and to be progressive so that the children develop their skills, knoweldge and understanding throughout the four years with us. For each subject we have identified Key Concepts which we will revisit throughout the children's time at Hallam Fields so that we can develop their understanding of how key concepts link between different topics and units of work, helping them to apply their learning and remember more.
You will find below links to our overview of PSHE, our Key concepts and we will be adding some examples of work.
At Hallam Fields Junior School, we believe that PSHE is central to giving pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy and independent lives. It enables pupils to learn to recognise their own values, work well with others and become increasingly responsible citizens in a diverse world. Safeguarding our children is of utmost importance to us at Hallam Fields and we believe that this is a key element of PSHE as pupils learn about their own identity, risks and how to keep themselves safe. This is not only achieved in lessons, but through visitors such as Derbyshire Constabulary, Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service and the NHS who work with our children to provide them with experiences that complement our PSHE curriculum.
To ensure Hallam Fields Junior School meets the Relationships and Health Education requirements, we follow the Derbyshire “PSHE Matters” curriculum, which fulfils the requirements of 2020 Statutory Relationships and Health Education.
Within the PSHE Matters scheme, there are twelve learning areas which are assigned to each year group and are repeated every other year. This allows children to revisit prior knowledge and build on areas as they mature. Because these areas can be taught in any order, our teachers decide where to put them according to where they fit best in relation to other subjects. A new learning area is taught every half term and a discrete PSHE lesson is taught once a week. For each subject, we have identified Key Concepts which we will revisit throughout the children's time at Hallam Fields so that we can develop their understanding of how key concepts link between different topics and units of work, helping them to apply their learning and remember more. Due to the discursive nature of PSHE and the fact that the children bring into lessons their individual experiences of the world, our teaching takes many approaches such as scenarios, group discussions and many more. We also take celebrating special days and events very seriously. We LOVE engaging with national events such as Hello Yellow Day for Young Minds, Children’s Mental Health Week, RSE Day, Anti-Bullying week, Odd Socks Day and LGBTQ+ History Month. The way we implement our PSHE curriculum has earnt us the Bronze BERT (Building Effective Relationships Together) Award which was awarded to us by Derbyshire County Council.

Through our delivery of the PSHE Matters curriculum, children are enabled to develop the vocabulary and confidence needed to clearly articulate their thoughts and feelings, they are taught to know when and how to seek the support of others and how to look after their wellbeing. Due to the special nature of PSHE, we see our children applying what they have learned in lessons in their everyday interactions with others from the classroom to the wider community. It is through these interactions that we can truly assess the impact of our teaching and make judgements on whether adult intervention is required.