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At Hallam Fields children cover the geography curriculum through our whole school themes.  We plan our curriculum to encompass the aims and programmes of study in the National Curriculum for Key Stage 2 and to be progressive so that the children develop their skills, knowledge and understanding throughout the four years with us. For each subject we have identified Key Concepts which we will revisit throughout the children's time at Hallam Fields so that we can develop their understanding of how key concepts link between different topics and units of work, helping them to apply their learning and remember more. 


You will find below links to our overview of Geography, our Key concepts and we will be adding some examples of work.


Forest Fire
Work 5 Final.jpg


Geography at Hallam Fields incorporates four key areas of geographical skills: geographical enquiry, physical geography, human geography and geographical knowledge. The children are given opportunities to explore the local area, Ilkeston, supported by identifying key features of the local area using a map. This branches further afield into Great Britain, as the children plan a journey to a place in England to appreciate the world beyond their local area and develop their understanding of the scale of the world. Children have further opportunity to develop a full appreciation of the world we live in as they are encouraged to be curious about areas beyond the locality and in the wider world through exploring natural disasters, pollution and climate change, rainforests and extreme environments. We aim for our pupils to be well-rounded geographers who have developed their geographical enquiry, physical geography, human geography and geographical knowledge skills.โ€‹



Geography is taught following the key  objectives that are provided and followed by each year group. This allows for embedding of the key geographical skills, knwoeldge and understanding, but also allowing for sufficient challenge to stretch learners in geography. The scheme is put together in unison with the Weaving Knowledge, Skills and Understanding into the New Curriculum framework to ensure coverage of the National Curriculum effectively while building on prior skills and knowledge and allowing for teachers to have an understanding of what has already been learnt.



Through utilising the Weaving Knowledge, Skills and Understanding into the New Curriculum framework, this provides ample opportunity for progression of skills and for children to build on their geographical skills and knowledge as they progress through Hallam Fields. Opportunity to challenge individual learners is also supported through using this framework which allows all children to have the chance to flourish in Geography. Teachers should explore what learners already know about the specific area of learning and then build on this prior knowledge. Learning through each unit should be regularly kept relevant through opportunities to draw upon previous learning to support the children's long-term memory of geographical content. 

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