How and why we designed our curriculum for the children we have at Hallam Fields
At Hallam Fields we want all children to Thrive. We aim to develop resilient and confident children by supporting them with their emotional and social development. We believe every child needs to feel valued and be equipped with skills to be proud and ambitious in order to succeed.
When reviewing our curriculum, we felt as a school it was important for children to be able to transfer skills between year groups. With this in mind we have agreed as a school to carry out the same theme across the school each term so that the children can make connections easier. Some of the themes are connected to Britain, to the world or more local within Derbyshire. Throughout each theme we have ensured that we have embedded safeguarding, British Values and PSHE. We feel these are crucial to our children to enable them to;
T hrive
show R esilience
show E mpathy
enthuse about E ducation
have the necessary S kills

As a school we have developed our use of Forest Schools over many years, ensuring all children experienced it in year three. From September 2019 we developed this across the school as we see the importance of our work in Forest Schools, not only for the skills and attitudes they develop but to support mental well being of children and staff. As a school who have embraced the Thrive Approach we have also ensured that we have a whole class Thrive Time each week where children develop social and emotional well being.
Below are our plans for each of the six terms for each year group to give an overview of what is being covered. This is underpinned by knowledge and skills which are built on from year to year and key concepts which repeat across different subjects and between year groups in different contexts. This is so children understand how things are linked.
Individual subjects
For each subject in the curriculum, subject leads have identified Key Concepts which are to be taught throughout school. The idea is that children revisit these concepts in different year groups so that they develop their understanding of them in different contexts which deepens their learning and how they apply their understanding. Some concepts we have identified as being used in more than one curriculum area. You will find the concepts for each subject along with the overview for the subject and other key information by clicking on the subject below.